
Are you looking for a custom design for your shed or carport in Cleveland? Behrs Building has a website where you can setup your personalized design that is totally unique. After inputting your data we’ll assemble the structure which is always made from the highest quality materials.

About Cleveland
Cleveland is a major city within Cuyahoga County in Ohio. It is situated near Lake Erie along its southern shore and is considered a global city due to its large population and key institutions such as Playhouse Square, Cleveland Museum of Art, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as well as multiple professional sports teams like the Cleveland Cavaliers, Guardians and Browns.
Available Products
Carports in Cleveland
Carports are highly energy efficient, since they eliminate the necessity of using bright lights, electrical door openers and other features which consume energy. This means your property’s energy output can be minimized, which will help you save money. Carports also come in numerous types, including A-Frame style roof carports, Lean Too models and standard roof carports.

RV Carports in Cleveland
RV carports can be designed for recreational vehicles. Because most have canopy style structures, this means they don’t always need doors and can be convenient when you want to move the vehicle into the structure without having to unlock the opening or be encumbered with various obstacles.
Garages in Cleveland
Having a garage in Cleveland provides many advantages, one of which is curb appeal preservation. As a property owner, you’ve probably invested considerable resources into producing your curb appeal and beautifying the surroundings, as have your neighbors. But when you don’t have a garage and cars have to be parked on the street, this can actually detract from your property’s appearance. Parking the vehicle in a garage instead produces a nice community vibe that will actually boost its property value.
Combo Buildings in Cleveland
Using combo buildings in Cleveland will provide excellent protection against adverse weather, particularly snow and rain, and during summer they will prevent the vehicle from becoming a microwave oven. Storing your vehicles or equipment within combo buildings will also minimize wear, allowing it to last longer.
Big Buildings in Cleveland
There are lots of reasons why you might want a larger garage. Aside from having greater storage space, the interior can be used for multiple purposes such as tool storage and if you do mechanical or carpentry work perhaps you can setup at workbench where you can work on various crafts and hobbies.
Commercial Buildings in Cleveland
By constructing your commercial building with steel, you’ll have protection against fire, especially when the metal has a coating which is flame retardant. This combined with its attractive appearance and affordability makes it a great choice.
Why Choose Behrs Building?
We specialize in building high quality yet affordable structures including garages, sheds and carports. Each structure can be assembled to your exact specifications and the materials will be fabricated cost effectively.
To reach out to our garage, carport, or combo building specialists in Cleveland, feel free to contact us today. You can also call us at (877) 934-6990.